Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday before STAR

So I just read Shadow Club Rising. It's actually a sequel to Shadow Club, but I didn't know when I picked it up and I couldn't find the first book when I went back the following day.

Now... to sell this book to you. :)
So it's about this kid. He used to be the head of this group called the Shadow Club where all the members were second best at something. Always. They'd cruelly prank the people they don't like and cause much trouble. When the book begins, the club had already disbanded because of a few major incidents that scared them down the right path... Don't worry, I'm not spoiling anything. I hope.
The book starts off with the protagonist, Jared Mercer, walking. We learn that he's usually runs to his destinations, but today he was reluctant, so he walks. As it turns out, he is going to have dinner with a teammate he hurt in the first book (I think) to reconcile. It doesn't work out well and he realizes how powerful hate is. Then this new guy moves to town and man, he is just totally perfect at everything. Naturally then, people don't like him. So stuff happens. Bad stuff. People immediately suspect Jared just because he used to lead the Shadow Club. But seriously, it's not him. So you follow him through this hectic winter, as he tries to find out who's causing all this trouble and having him take the blame for it.

Dude, I can totally write an essay about this! :O If only we could write essays on books we picked ourselves. :) This would have been perfect. Because after all...
Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. - Leonardo da Vinci
I might just write one for fun later... I'm scaring myself :O But seriously, this book is like perfect essay material. Motif would be "hate" and there'd be some fantasmal quotes that'd be so perfect... *writhes in excitement*

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