Monday, June 29, 2009

Judge Me, Monkey

If I can't do my best, I'd rather just not do it at all. I'd rather be seen as a slacker than a nincompoop.

For the longest time, I've like every name that started with a K simply because the person I liked's name also started with a K. In a particular game, an AI ally's name was Klutz. I immediately felt really shy/happy to be on the same team as the AI.
Currently have two new cuties in my viewfinder. Both their names start with D. Planning on naming something with a name also starting with a D when I get the chance.

I don't want to be misunderstood, yet I hesitate and retype. And retype and retype and retype and retype. In the end, I have a very short, very blunt sentence. But I don't want to talk a whole lot about nothing at all. It's... embarassing.

It hurts when I say "That hurt my feelings" and they reply "You don't have feelings". I hope that everything is a joke.

I don't want to befriend certain people simply because I'm envious of what they've accomplished and what they're able to do.

Deep down in my heart, I wish that one day, one of my friends will Google my screen-name "liscence2pok" and come across this blog and read everything.

I compliment people because I want them to compliment me back. But I don't take compliments well...

Don't hit people smaller than you, girls, and animals. If you've bitten it, swallow it. Then wrap the remains in a napkin and rinse mouth with something strong(er).

I learned not to waste food from Lion King.

Hypocrisy: I hate people breaking their promises to me. Yet I break them all the time.

I feel like I'm easily swayed. Yesterday, I read my cousin's essay about his beliefs and his life and I was very moved despite the terrible writing.

If you consider me a friend, then I will do all in my power to help you. Even if you don't ask.

The one thing I don't do is fight back. Because I cannot win. My tongue gets overexcited and my brain skips over words. In the end, the message is not communicated and everyone is more upset.
The one thing I don't do is fight back. Because there's no point. I yell back, they yell some more, I start yelling some more, and so on. It does not solve anything. Rather than create more trouble, I'd rather just be a punching bag. I'll take unnecessary damage so they'll feel better.
I lie.
I get overkill-ed. They feel guilty. It feels good having someone beg for forgiveness after they've wronged you.
Very very good.

I feel more national pride for China than I do for America despite the fact that I've never visited China before and have lived in America all my life and have never eve set foot outside of it before.
I hate that Taiwan goes through very much trouble to not group themselves with Mainland China, but when time for the Olympics came, there were the Taiwanese celebrities on the stage waving their hands at the world like they're a big happy family. Same with Hong Kong.
Hong Kong has 0 right to call themselves not a part of Mainland China.

There's this vibe I get everywhere I go. They look at me... They're careful around me... Like I might break if they weren't so... I wouldn't say gentle. Or maybe the polar opposite. I emit a very scary aura and one wrong move and I'll hand them their butts. It's a bad habit of mines to frown during a long period of not talking. I apologize for scaring the public.

I get very self-conscious when white people specifically look at me. It feels like they're looking at me like I have mental issues. I once read somewhere that DS kids are grouped into the "Mongoloid" category because they look somewhat Asian.

When getting my birth certificate, my brother handed in my papers instead of me. I pulled out the money. The woman looked at me with the money and said "Oh, it's you". Like Eugenia is a boy's name? Later, when checking the receipt and the bottom of the paper where it stated the name of the clerk, it read: Patrick O'Connell.
I was insulted for the longest time about my name. Does Eugenia sound like a male name? Really now?

Has dreams about driving. All the time. However, the brakes never work. Ever.

Ignorance is Bliss. Why have it any other way?

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