Thursday, September 17, 2009

No. It's not common.

Because that boy and I don't talk on a regular basis. We see each other, we don't even say hi.
Yeah, I used a whole new entry just to say that. But this way for sure, you'll get my reply. :P

I swear, after a whole summer of sleeping at 12 and waking at 10/11, it's so hard now to adjust to sleeping at 12:30 and waking at 7.
It's not that I'm purposely staying up so late, if I had a choice, I'd sleep at 11!
But this homework is so time consuming.
The math teacher who ignores the fact that other classes also have much time-consuming homework.
The physics homework that is mind-bogglingly confusing.
The English homework...
The Japanese homework that never gets done... (I do it during lunch)

I am so tired. I don't think I'll survive SSR tomorrow.

Oh, and all the Saturdays this month are booked for early schedules, too. And by Sunday, there'll be so much fatigue piled on that I might not wake ever again...

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