Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Swear

All I ever get out of Dad's lecture is: Go die in a ditch, you selfish bitch.
Hey look, I rhymed.

I should change my 101 Goals to 1: Make Dad happy.

I'm not to take the SAT because I'd fail it. Like I say. So why waste time?
Just go take it as a Senior. When I'm all ready and shit.
If you were so determined to get into college, why didn't you take any summer classes?
Stop wasting time, gas, and money with your antics.
I'd support you if you actually considered everybody else.
Blah blah blah.

Like Pink's "Don't Let Me Get Me":
LA told me, 'You'll be a pop star,
All you have to change is, everything that you are.'

Honestly, don't let me get me.

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