Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's All Calculated.

Eugenia Tan wants another computer, no matter how shitty; that one will be for the modem specifically. That way, bro won't hafta break into my room (key), screw it up(looking for clothes), then hack my lappy(asked for pw) to fix the internet.

I was gonna write that on my Facebook status... Didn't.
Decided that Eugenia Tan Okay honestly, what is better than 20/20 vision? Can you see fricken ghosts or something?? would attract more lulz.


OMG I GOT SOMETHING NEW TO PUT! I'll put it later.
Eugenia Tan A recorded message just called me. It was a lady with a terribly thick accent. It WAS English. But what's the point of trying to advertise with a voice nobody can understand?

Another one I can put up that might get responses, because responses to my statuses are very... Only, what, 5 people total ever comment? So it depends on 1. if they see my new status, 2. if they feel like commenting, and 3. ...there is no three.

Last alternative: Eugenia Tan wants to cry. :( The more I want to see, the less I seem to be able to. DW, i's nothing deep. I'm just trying to draw realistic pictures. :D

So. How to make a good status. Maybe Twitter would suit me better... ew. Anyhow.
1. It can't be too long. I know that if I see some really long status, I would NOT read it. xD
2. It has to be to the point!
3. It has to be non-rhetorical. Obviously so you can provoke some response.
4. It has to be interesting.
5. Don't make it really personal. I don't know... I don't like people knowing my deep dark bitties. :( I don't like sympathy. I see it as pity. And in the dictionary, those 2 words mean the same thing! And I have no personal connotations for it, so sympathy=pity for me.

Why did I bother to do all this just now?
Ah, I know! Procrastination!

I feel bad though. Some people *cough cough* (I'm sick.) can get so much attention without any activities. :(
I want to be more popular... But not in the preppy girl way. Just among the nerds :)
I actually quite am. But the problem is that the people I'm popular amongst 1. don't use Facebook or 2. don't sign on to Facebook often. D: AAUGH!!
It doesn't work if only you know you're right! You have to show off your right-ness!!

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