Sunday, November 22, 2009

Money, Robbers, and Crack

I had a dream. Which had a prologue of some kind of party at some kind of house involving a lot of my friends. They all had cheesy foods... And I had some kind of uniform thing going on. And I straightened my hair. And we were watching some kind of drama. Whatever.
There was also a bit about a woman who lived in England or whatnot and people were constantly trying to rape her despite her age... (I read some weird manga before bed) But her group of friends came and blah blah blah and convinced her to go back to.. I don't know New York or something via 10 minute boatride. Oh, she fed them cheesy foods when they were discussing returning. And in the end, her best friend couldn't make it onto the boat and she figured that's the way it was meant to be... No Pendragon reference. And apparently at the party thing, I was doing a project w/ money on her. Like how each bill represents who...
To the main dream. Now I was in my parents' office, nighttime. Finishing my project. Then the robbers come. I forgot their weapons, but nobody screamed. Besides me, there was also my brother and someone named Annie. We all just glared at the guys and did our homework while being watched by the one robber guy. He took my wallet and took all my money and put them into a folder. He actually went through every bill and I had a $6 bill which was quite... And he took my project and took the money off of there, too. I whispered to my brother to grab some of my money back when the guy wasn't watching. My brother got me back 1 $50 bill. I'm sure the guy saw us. But he didn't do anything.
We sat like that for a long time. Eventually, the two guys put everything down, packed up their own stuff and were leaving. I took that as a cue and told my brother Quick! The money! and he threw me the whole folder and I shoved it into my backpack. The guy watching us turned around as he were at the door and yelled that we were lucky, but die! or something of the like. He threw the key in as he locked the door. My brother and I, still retrieving our stuff, looked at the item as it flew in. We were in shock. Was the robber guy so utterly stupid? We confirmed that it was the key for the door and we laughed. We just stopped and laughed.
He was probably hoping that by throwing us the key, he would have locked us in because it was a one-way lock or something. Unfortunately, the office's door works like Cinderella's door. Both ways work. So we were like lawlz and unlocked the door and headed to my brother's car. In there, we paused and he told me to change back into our uniforms. I joked that if we didn't, our parents would think we were out smoking crack. He replied that us staying out so late already made them think that. The uniforms are feeble hope.
Then I wondered why the parents didn't call and realized that I didn't have my phone. Just then, my brother's phone rang and it was my aunt. True enough, she was asking of we were smoking crack...
The end. But the uniforms were so cute. So was whatever I w as wearing when I wasn't wearing the uniform. But in my dream, I was also short-ish and inexplicably skinny...

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