Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Haha vs. Harhar

Life works in very, very, very funny ways. And not funny as in haha funny, it's funny like Monty Python funny: Harhar...
I don't even know how to describe it.

Example 1.
A few weeks ago, I was daydreaming and I started thinking about people who cried from happiness. I snickered and thought they were stupid. Happiness is happiness. How did they get that mixed up with their tear ducts? I promised myself that I would never do it. Then, about an hour later, there I was, crying with the biggest, stupidest smile on my face. Maybe it was more from relief, but I was also extremely happy that my friend at that moment. So, same difference.

Example 2.
This morning, I was dreaming... I was in a park jogging. Then the stupid stick got me, and as it always hits hardest when I'm asleep, I thought to myself, I wonder if God also jogs in this park. I bet he does. When I find him, I'm going to beat him up! Then the alarm went off as if God were telling me to stop thinking such blasphemous thoughts.

Example 3; this one's going to take a while.
Have your parents ever lectured you on lying? Of course they have; it's like a requirement as a parent. Well my dad has never taught me that. In fact, recently he's been teaching me how to... not quite lie, but how to manipulate situations to benefit oneself. Hmm, I don't think I phrased that quite right. I'll try again.
My dad never taught me right from wrong. Not in the traditional way, anyhow. Right is how to please someone else while also helping yourself. Wrong is failing at doing so. Let me use the example he used.
Chinese proverb roughly translated: Transporting poop without taking some.
So back in the day, I guess the Chinese farmers were also share-croppers. Being poor but resourceful, they've taken to use human wastes as fertilizers. Sounds gross, but if you've ever eat authentic--and I mean authentic!--Chinese cooking, everything tastes way better. Organic does the trick. Anyhow, so as you're transporting the "fertilizer" you pass by your own private field. Would you "accidentally" spill some so your own crops would grow faster?
English equivalent: Goody Two-Shoes
Obviously, my dad does not approve of whole-hearted honesty. Personal gain is a must. Mmm, I wonder how Pinnochio's fairy lady would take that.

Okay, okay, this post was pointless. I actually just wanted to share my dream. And also! I've been getting a lot of followers lately and I feel pressured to write something good. I don't think that's going very well. School's been too hectic to think too much recently, but there's a four-day weekend coming up so something deep's bound to happen, haha.
For now, I should start on my homework...

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