Tuesday, March 23, 2010


People actually care a whole lot less than you think. The key is that you don't care.
What I learned at this point in life is that people only care when you very clearly show to them that you want them to care.
Case in point: My brother wears his Snoopy pajama pants all over the place and he's cool about it so nobody cares.

Shout out to my brother for teaching me so much recently. I never noticed he was that... far ahead. I always thought he was still the same shy boy from childhood but he has his morals and ethics all down and he's only acting to it now. But he's still cool because he knows the limits. He won't be wearing his Snoopy pants to somewhere fancier than a family restaurant, for example.
Parents are different in that way. They don't realise there's a limit...
So my brother is my brother, my guardian, my role model, and also the biggest influence in my life.

His personality resembles that of Holden from The Catcher in the Rye. His sense of humor is twisted and he lies like no tomorrow, not to mention his bluntness. It hurts but you learn to steer it away from you...
But enough about him.

So remember Dr Seuss's quote: Those who care don't matter and those who matter don't care.
Even though nowadays people just keep their mouths shut because they're scared you'll beat them up.


Cher' Shots said...

What a great tribute to your brother! You know ~ Dr. Suess was very wise!

Brent Festge said...

I'm not scare of nobody beating me up. Except my grandpa Hank.