Sunday, March 21, 2010


I do believe Lady Gaga just made me cry.
Her song, Speechless, was written for her father to convince him to get open-heart surgery, and listening to the lyrics of the song, it's just so heartfelt. Old news.
But the dedication. She's basically promising to never sing again, to give up all her dreams, just so he would live.
I am amazed.
Can I be so selfless?
I don't think so.
I like how people can hate Lady Gaga for what she is, but after watching more of her and reading about her, they are convinced that she's great. The best part would be that she can actually sing.
Not really.
She's not the best, but she gets the point across and that's what's important, so okay.

Speaking of dreams, what should I chase: art or science?
I have been drawing since I could hold a pen (I didn't have pencils in my childhood). I remember being yelled at for drawing instead of practicing my alphabet like my brother...
I love science. My parents bought all these outer space books for my brother when we were younger, but I read them too and I love learning about the planets (Pluto will always be in my heart) and the stars and everything. Recently I've learned that the universe is still expanding and lots of other things that I only barely understand and it's amazing and I really want to know more.
But that's only recently.
Art has been my forte for a little over 10 years now and I don't want to give up all my blood, sweat, and tears--talent is only .00000000001%, after all. Science says so.
It feels like a bad high school drama and the love triangle is between me, art, and science...
And now my mom is confusing me because first she doesn't want me to go to art school, but now it's okay as long as I listen to her or something. But then I don't want to go to art school anymore, I want to pursue science and she's all like but I already bought you the art materials.
Patrons are annoying.

"You've left me speechless, so speechless."


deviant_sarah said...

This might be a bit biased, for I am an artist myself, but art allows you to express yourself and your emotions. My art and music is the one thing I can rely on.
However, you should follow your heart (I know thats very cheesy). Do what YOU want to do, and not what your mother tells you.
And what the hell, why not do both? Get your major in science and your minor in art.
P.S I love Lady Gaga

zMasquerade said...

I UNDERSTAND! MY MOM DIDNt WANT ME TO DO ART BEFORE! heyyy,i dont wanna influence you, but i'm an art student too. Lucky for me, life takes its course, grabbed my steering wheel and decided life for me. i had wanted to moved on to a triple science class back when i was 14, even though my grades qualified, i was put into the arts stream. love planets as well as the outdoors and this perhaps sort of translated itself into my love for geography.

At 20, i'm an architecture student, its a big combination of all the things i love.

bottom line, choose wisely, doing science doesnt mean you have to drop art altogether n vice versa.
