Saturday, April 17, 2010

Believe whatever you want.

So my last post was really bad, but the first week back after Spring Break is ridiculous. As always.
Anyhow, Every 15 minutes. I could not take it seriously.
I still can't.
The crash was so freeway crash worthy. But it wasn't. The story is supposed to be town road. In a residential area. Head-on crash. I don't know, man.
I will now attempt to re-illustrate the scene.
Drunk peeps were in an Acura, victims were in a Mustang convertible. Uh... BAM! and the cars ended up perpendicular to each other. Okay. I'll give them that. Displacement from the sudden stop.
Car Damage:
Mustang-hood folded up, bumper somewhere under the hood (the whole thing, not even a dent**), the convertible hood was halfway up
Acura-hood was up but not crumpled, all the windows were gone... that's about it
Now the people:
There were 2 in the Mustang, both in the front, both bleeding. One had... something that eventually killed her, the other was okay.
4 in the Acura. The front passenger flew out onto the hood, dead. The passenger behind her somehow flew out 10 feet from the car, dead. Did I mention it was a 2-door car? So how did that happen? The driver of the Acura was miraculously totally fine, albeit shaken and drunk. The passenger behind him was horribly stuck. He was a basketball player and god knows why they stick the guy with the longest legs into the most cramped seat in the entire car. He survived though.
Ambulance took the two from the Mustang away and a helicopter flew in to get the basketball player. I don't understand why they didn't just send another ambulance, but it was interesting to see a helicopter up close so whatever.
Standard procedure, except executed really slowly. Maybe they were putting emphasis on the pain... If they really did walk around when lives were in danger... well, they don't deserve the title hero.
So that was day 1. Crash and rescue.
Day 2 was a video of what happened after. Drunk driver is in court and the judge is very biased against him. She openly stated that she didn't like him and admonished him for doing what he did. The injured kids had fake surgery. Driver of the Mustang wasn't shown much, but they showed the passenger die. A terribly fake flat-lining sound and all; it was off-key and sounded like a kazoo. The basketball player was confined to a wheelchair and there was a sad monologue about him not being able to go to college because his mom wouldn't be able to afford it without his basketball scholarship. There was a pointless scene where a police officer literally just yells at the drunk driver. Angry parents, blah blah blah.
Very depressing. Not very sad.
Okay, I cried. But it was empathy for the parents who had to lose their kids. And it was only for the parents of the kids who didn't drink which were the one in the Mustang and the one that flew really far out from the car. They didn't deserve that; they raised good kids.
Anyway, so that was Every 15 Minutes. I do believe they have a website.

Now on Facebook, all my friends are like "ooh, driving is scary!", or like "I'm scared of driving!", which I find highly ridiculous. There were a few that said "I love you guys so don't do stupid things", which was alright. But honestly, I can't share those feelings. You cannot get into such an accident on town roads. You're just not going fast enough. But my words seem to have no effect compared to a video with actors and crying.
Talk about infuriating. Fine. I'll be the only one out of all of you who can drive. Don't ask me for a ride when you need it though. I'll hit a drunk driver and you'll die.
...I don't know how to explain it...
I believe in hard work and self confidence. I'll take the advice to not drink and drive, but I won't believe that I can die from a collision with a drunk driver. So it's not like I didn't appreciate the performance, I just don't have anything to take away from it. And those around me seem to have missed the entire point of the thing.

So as LeVar Burton says every time "Reading Rainbow" comes to a close, "Don't take my word for it."
Don't worry, I won't. What a wise man he is.

**I find this bumper thing hilarious because a few weeks ago, I saw a van take the bumper off of a Mustang at school. It just popped off like a badly connected Lego piece. It didn't dent or anything, it just flew off. I laughed hard. Yeah. No, I don't believe in Mustangs.

That reminds me. Neither of those cars seemed to have any airbags. And do all your windows really explode when you crash? That's sounds ridiculous.
It's like Speed 2, when the boat is crashing into the harbor. "Oh no! We're going, like, 4 knots! -crashes through the windows meant to withstand winds up to 70 mph at sea-" Not to mention that they had chainsaws on a cruise ship...

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