Sunday, February 6, 2011

Whine Whine Whine

I have a 10 page essay due on Monday and I currently have... a pretty decent intro and then some kind of idea of how to fill up 9 more pages. Actually, minimum is seven pages, and I've written barely five-pagers before. Well previously, I had only one intro paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. This time though, I have two paragraphs each for intro and conclusion, I'll need about 5 bodies. Mmm, pretty hearty looking plan there. Hah.
So I can't work on it tomorrow. It's the first weekend of the Lunar New Year. I gotta go afar to visit kin to gain money, influence, and connections. Mmm, familial power.
I need more time to do my essay, for sure. But I already wasted a week of class-time... My bad.
I could/should be doing it now, but... this is so much better, haha.

So about a week ago, along with a final I had, my teacher suggested we write letters to ourselves in five years, don't worry about the address 'cos your mail will somehow find you. So I haven't written it yet. I can't bring myself to write down all the sentimental heart felt things even though it will be so worth it in five years. My plan is to write it sometime in between now and the end of this semester, though. That way, my mail will go into the new semester class's batch and whatever, my mail will find me. Hmmm... what to write.

A couple days ago, my Calculus teacher gave us the strangest handout. It was a story problem (too long to be a word problem) where Sherlock Holmes and Watson enter a crime scene that involved a stuffy room, a warm body, and three suspects. Holmes had Watson take the temperature of the body in the warm room immediately, and then again two hours later when the case is solved.
So we're supposed to use exponential decay and Newton's Law of Cooling to figure out when the dead guy died, and using that time, we will review the suspects' alibis and point our magical finger! Was it his wife, his butler, or business associate? I'm going to spoil the mystery now.
It was not his butler, because his butler was having a raving time at the bar until 11:00 PM and the man died at 10:15 PM. It was not his wife because she was seen leaving the theater at 10:30 PM and arrived home at 11:00 PM. She could not have possibly sneaked anywhere to kill her husband as the commute from house to theater takes thirty minutes and the murder happened only fifteen minutes before she left the theater. That leaves the business partner. He only had the shoddy alibi of having been at work all evening and arriving home at 10:30 PM as confirmed by his wife.
The story ends by my hand. That's right. The last part of the assignment is writing a short conclusion about the case and let's just say I got a little carried away. Maybe I will post it later, but I basically wrote a story from the business partner's point of view and why he had to kill the man in revenge for ruining him for-permanently.
Mmm, I love Calculus.
But don't tell my teacher I said that--he'll beat me with a stick. Shhhhh...

Okay. I'll work on my ten-pager now.

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