Sunday, May 31, 2009

What makes me sad.

Sleep. :(
Makes me happy, but makes me sad at the saaame time...
That feeling of being sleepy and letting my subconscious overwhelm me is a wonderful feeling. Then waking up and feeling energetic and refreshed... Ah... :)
I dream when I get enough sleep.
And when I dream, sometimes it's spectacular and heart-wrenching. Inside my dream, I think "I've got to remember this so I can tell it to other people so they'd be touched too..." Then I drift back into deeper subconscious and when I finally wake up, I forget the story... Orz
Like this morning. I had a good story. Lost it.
But yesterday, I managed to hold on to just a tidbit of the story...
I bet if I can remember all my dreams, I'd find out that they're actually different bits and pieces repeating lots of times and it's trying to tell me something... o_o
The one I remember had these two kids. One has a family and one doesn't, either way, they don't have a home to go back to.
So they are at this park thing near a body of water. There, they find a grandma in a wheelchair asleep alone at a picnic table. So they yoink some food. Then the grandma snaps at them because she wasn't really asleep. Well something happens along the lines of the grandma also doesn't want to go home (lol) so the two kids go investigate. They go to the grandma's family's house and they find that that family has a grudge against a former member of the family. Apparently, the woman had run away from home with her son and stuffers and the remaining family did not like it. The boy without a family thinks the woman is familiar and blah blah blah. Eventually, they dug out some stuff about what happened to the woman. Turns out she died. So the kid without a family runs back to the grandma at the park to tell her what happened to her daughter. By this time, he's quite sure that the outcasted woman was his mom. But the grandma already died. So he's standing next to where her in her wheelchair had been. He starts to cry because it seemed that the grandma was the only member of the family that still cared about the woman and her child. Then, he hears a voice and sees the grandma's ghost. She says to him, "Good luck, my grandson." Then he goes back to the house and tries to get some stuffers that belonged to his mom back. Something happens, the family was spooked or something, so they gave him the basement...
Augh, I need to more time to clear up the jumble and get things slotted into place first...
The dream I don't remember had a guy in it. He was emo-ish, but he had a good goal and he was a good person... Orz

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