Saturday, February 13, 2010

:T So sue me.

A few hours earlier, I was out buying some Hawaiian barbecue for my grandparents, and I feel that I screwed up when I didn't tell them to not burn the meat... But that's beside my point.
As I was waiting for the food to get cooked, an elderly couple came in and started talking to each other in low voices. The cashier girl picked up it was Spanish so she took their order in Spanish.
That made me think: Maybe I should have taken Spanish in school after all. Honestly, when will I ever need to use Japanese? Unless I go traveling, of course, but for now it's unlikely, and by the time I do travel there, I will have forgotten most of the language anyway. So that got me thinking... Spanish would be very useful for when I get a part-time job, maybe...

Then, just now, I decide to check in on my fandoms on the Japanese site Nico nico. I was able to find what I wanted and successfully found new stuff that I like. So take that Spanish! For now...
I found a Youtube rip. No, this one is actually put up by the guy who composed/wrote it... I'm going have to check again exactly what he did, but basically, he put the whole thing together. Halyosy rules! My respect for him has grown.

Speaking of growing respect, Lady Gaga is impressive. o_O


Dukes Dark Cave said...

The Most Romantic Day Of The Year @

magu said...

You sure it was Spanish, as in Spanish-Spanish? Because Mexican-Spanish is different from Spanish-Spanish, ya know. Schools teach Spanish-Spanish...while the local Mexicans speak Mexican-Spanish. Chances are, they were speaking Mexican-Spanish.

(And really... if you really wanted to learn something useful...why didn't you take Mandarin? Doesn't Mandarin beat Spanish any day?)

:P I know. I'm annoying.

D said...

I took French in high school, majored in philosophy, went to law school and am now taking a French class again for fun. Usefulness is clearly over-rated.

ellemae07 said...

I love your out take on life, laughing and having fun is the best medicine.