Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ah Pointlessness

1. I've developed a phobia of stairs.
More specifically, misstepping as I ascend and then smashing my face into the ground. I keep thinking I'm going to miss a step or something when my foot clearly hovers over the stupid thing. Funny thing too because this is my third year going up and down those flights; I know them well. I think it started when I actually did fall. Going down. I got distracted looking at a trashcan (I was spaced out, okay?) and I thought I was at the bottom when I was not. There were several steps left and I just went like plop one step down. I held onto the railing and I was just kneeling there but not really since I was balanced on my feet not knees--just the position? Basically, I was safe. The day before that my friend slipped on a puddle and fell. I laughed. Karma got me. Whatever. I should be over that! But I guess it lingered too long in my head and everyday it's getting worse. Those railings are disgusting so nowadays I'm holding onto my friend, though thinking about it those railings seem much safer... non-germ-wise.

2. Falling out of Facebook
I'm losing interest in Facebook. From the beginning I knew it was yet another popularity contest, one that I could never win yet I still try to make it count for something fruitlessly. Yeah. That's about it.

3. Is it true?
My mom says the first 2 years of college are just like high school. Just a bit harder. Doesn't really have anything to do with majors and stuff. Is it? I'm kind of stuck right now between something artistic and something science-y. That'd be very weird to double major in, wouldn't it? Oh, I'm an Arts student but I also major in Physics. Sounds awfully... broad and wasteful in terms of time.

4. Love...
Well I know for sure I won't be able to fall in love anytime soon. I'm still trying to take care of myself and consider me and everyone around me already. I don't need a new stranger fighting for first priority. But... what is love? And that's rhetorical, by the way, because I already know it. What I mean to say is: Isn't there anything else to write your poems, your songs, your stories about? There is more to life than love (for a significant other). Sometimes I feel like love songs and love stories are ruining the experience for me.

5. Oreos
Love them. As my Facebook status currently reads: Whoever invented Oreos should have a special spot next to God in Heaven.

6. Unhealthy
I know I am. I won't mention most of it, but I've been having jaw problems since years ago. I'm still young so I should get it fixed ASAP but this thing with the health care and the blah blah blah. We finally got through and got accepted but... I believe my dad lost our papers? I dread the first check up in a long time.

7. Homosexuality is a Gene?
According to my brother's college textbook, yes. Psychology by the way. There is a gene for boy-craziness. Yes. I didn't get it, but it exists. If it's dominant in a girl, she's proven to be more fertile or something like that. If it's dominant in a boy, he's probably going to be gay. Interesting. But that's only for the guys. Lesbians couldn't be explained. Lots of weird experiments including monkey sex and the smell of urine but no. Nothing to explain why some girls turn out to like other girls. I like how society leaves information out of general knowledge so that those of lesser intelligence will not feel threatened by words they do not understand. There was something else I wanted to say but I seem to have forgotten it.

8. Naturally, humans count exponentially.
If you don't teach your cute little baby to count 1, 2, 3, they will grow up counting 1, 2, 4. Interesting experiments involving monitoring brain activities of babies while showing them pictures of 8 ducks. Then 8 firetrucks. Then 8 other things. Okay. Show it 10. Not much reaction. 16 ducks! Wheeee!!! The kid has a ball. 16 firetrucks, 16 trees. Okay it's old. 4 ducks. Spazzzzzzzz.

9. Every other kid knows how to play the guitar.
That's just the way it is. I'm the one kind in between? I'm not cool. :(

10. Diversity week at school.
The assembly, like always, was terrible-ish. First, half of the speakers weren't on. During that time of "silence" there was some kind of Spanish dance and we were halfway through someone demonstrating the differences between Japanese music and American Pop. I thought he sounded pretty bad but when the speakers finally blasted to life, yeah he was terrible. Not to mention that his song was about five minutes long. I felt bad because I commented every 15 seconds to my friend about it and she's the singer's friend. It's my moral duty to point out when someone sucks. Feel free to do so to me at any time. I will skip the rest as it simply cannot be described. Something like Columbian dancing and then Polynesian. I felt left out as an Asian because we were only represented by a bad singer. Why don't the Asians of my school have more enthusiasm? I pondered and wondered and then it hit me. It's hard to demonstrate everyday life. Whatever special performances we have, it's for some kind of festival. There is no dance for no reason. There is, but that requires special training found in a large city. We are not a large city. Not even a city. I think we're just a town. I don't like towns. It's like you're obliged to be friendly to everyone because you're supposed to go to the same church or something. No.

11. Open Bed Policy
You can sleep in my bed as long as you're clean. I can sleep in your bed as long as I'm clean. Whenever. Deal. I sleep... on couches, my grandparents' bed, my brother's bed... I don't go out a lot.

1 comment:

zMasquerade said...

your post is funny, i like it.