Thursday, March 4, 2010

You think I'd learn my lesson...

I am currently running on... maybe 3 hours of sleep? Not to mention the deprivation before that. It is horrible. Absolute torture!
What happened?
Uhh, well I just kind of kept putting off doing my homework until I was nodding off in front of my computer. Then I... did it. Not a bad job either, if I do say so myself.
I can just close my eyes right now and put my head on something soft and I will be snoozing before the minute mark. I am sooooo drained...
So why am I not doing my homework now?? Why won't I do it during a reasonable time so I can sleep more at night??

I don't know.

By the way, I had a physics tests today. I knew it was coming but I didn't study. I still feel pretty good about it though. :)
My happiness will be short-lived though. My teacher is one of those really good efficient ones that you actually like--talk about rare. He'll have our Scantron parts done and back to us by tomorrow. Well, for now, I'll bask.

In a Chinese magazine my dad was reading, there was a feng shui page and he read it aloud to whoever was listening, which, at that moment, happened to be me. Feng Shui.... Should you ever be on a road trip and have to desperately do a number 2, make sure when you stop on the side of the road for quick relief, to face North. No joke. The reason being is that everyone knows the Northern winds are cold so if while you're taking your dump a breeze rolls by, your hiney's in for some rough days of upset bowels. Harhar.

2 more posts and I have 200 total. I'll work hard.

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