Thursday, March 18, 2010


The early bird gets the worm, right?
Not really.

I like how my family always plans to do things early but ends up doing it last minute. It's not intentional, it just somehow ends up that way.
School registrations... taxes... bills... etc.
But we always end up fine. Knock on wood.
So... Basically here is my class selection sheet for school and I am nowhere near done filling out all the stupid forms. AP Statistics and AP Calculus with a copy of highlighted transcripts each; AP English Lit where my teacher actually reads the bullcrap about why I am qualified for the class; Leadership requires 2 teacher recommendations? What's the big hoo-hah? It's just helping out the school, isn't it?; and maybe AP European History. But I'm rethinking that.
My friend is going to turn it in tomorrow. Or maybe she did it today. Didn't see her. Won't be until next week. Who gets a day off to go to the beach with their family? Her. And her siblings.
I'm jealous. But not really.
I think I'll turn in my forms next Monday. It really smells down here by my English teacher's butt but I still gotta kiss it right. Then, puppy-dog eyes for when I mess up. It worked for my friend so it will happen again!
I am not really going to take both AP Stats and AP Calc. One of them is backup.
I don't quite understand but I get the feeling it fits. I am totally right for AP English Lit.
"Procrastination isn't the problem, it's the solution. So procrastinate now, don't put it off." --Ellen DeGeneres.

By the way, the Exploratorium was great fun today! There was a duck pond outside and asides from the annoying middle school kids attacking birds with bread (Stupid, much? No. It's apparently funny.) there were SWANS! They are so beautiful, I never knew. It was actually eating out of one guy's hand. Man, I wish I had food to feed it. Being so close I could pet it would have been awesome. Did I mention how mesmerized I became simply by seeing the water droplets on its back feathers? Squealfest!

Did you know that it's genetic which thumb comes out on top when you fold your hands? Right thumb on top is recessive.

1 comment:

Th3 Pr1nc3ss~Solis~ said...

your blog is delightful. God's luggies, haha. I totally know. I just started my 1st blog & it's chronicling my yearlong journey through A Course In Miracles. Feel free to stop by if you get the chance. Oh & I don't like God's luggies either! =) Maybe that's why I'm doing my blog. Lol. My blog is: