Thursday, March 11, 2010


I wish I were a faster thinker. I feel like I'm missing a lot of opportunities...
For now I'm thinking of being the Student Body President.... Wait. It's called ASB President. What's the A?
The elections are THIIIIIS close and I'm just thoughtful. I think I already missed my chance to get petitioning to whatnot...
So now I'm thinking I'm totally going to join Leadership next year. But... what's the point? They don't seem to do anything outstanding except sell stuff to promote the school. Oh well. For now I am totally joining Leadership next year.

Oh ja. Next week, somebody from MTV is going to come to my school and... interview students with a dream or something. Should I do it?

I feel like... somebody else. Someone I shouldn't be. I almost feel like I can't think this way because it's inappropriate for someone with my... whatever it is that I have. There was another time I felt like this.
There's an Art Show coming up at my school and there's going to be a fashion show and all these student works are going to be up and everything. So the thing is fashion show. They needed student models and I wanted to be one. No reason. But it felt SO AWKWARD 1. mentioning the audition and the idea of going and 2. actually going. Technically I didn't go. I went in to check it out but left before anything happened. Darn my gutlessness. But I didn't ask for permission to stay after school. It felt... wrong for someone who was... taking the classes I'm taking? I don't know. The others in my cliques would NEVER participate in such a thing. I mean, I jokingly threw the idea out to my very tall friend and she shot it down with a rail gun.
Before I trail off, I think I kind of sort of regret it. I finally did get a friend to go with me so I wasn't alone but I still bailed. I got intimidated, kind of; the girls auditioning were actually into fashion (I am too, just not in the popular style) and were all wearing their UGGs and stilettos and plaid vests over their large chests... It's just walking but still. Impressions matter, don't they?

But whatever.
The past is the past, let it go. Concentrate on the future and focus on not letting it happen again.
That's my motto.

For now:
1. Join Leadership
2. MTV? I get to be on TV maybe? :D Y/N? Help?

1 comment:

deviant_sarah said...

Hey! I've been in the same position as you, so maybe I can help. At the start of the school year my teacher wanted me to give a speech for the 2010 winter Olympics. My first reaction was that I was scared shitless. At first, I refused to do it. He told me that my life is what I make it and no one can make me do anything. But if I live my life in fear of change, or what my friends will think, then where is the excitement? I'm going to give you the same advice my teacher gave me: "Forget Regret or life is yours to miss."
P.S: I ended up doing the speech and got invited down to visite the Parliment building in Victoria, BC.