Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I have been slacking from blogging. I'd say that school and life has been hectic, but I'd be lying. It's nothing I can't handle. Ah, but that's a lie too.
In short, I needed some time alone.
Not really. Just wanted some. Didn't feel like sharing my thoughts.
I just couldn't think of anything with substance to blog about. Well I came up with something.

I have been so rude lately, commenting on peoples' habits right in their vicinity. I do keep my voice low enough so they can't hear, but even I think I'm going too far sometimes.
I think that I'm angry.

Sing to Haddaway's "What is Love?"
What is art?
Teacher, don't ask me.
Don't ask me. No more...

I hate it.
I mean, I respect the movement itself, but my teachers keep asking the class to analyze the paintings, and honestly, if the guy was high when he made this, why would there be meaning?
As my friend declares, maybe if the teacher passed out some dope, we'd be able to see what Salvador Dali was going for when he painted his clocks. It's not meant to be understood. You're supposed to look at it and accept it for whatever it may be. But no, teacher keeps trying to find a meaning in it. "Even if the conscious wasn't there, the subconscious was." Have you paid attention to your dreams lately? Do they have a meaning to you, teacher? I don't think so.

Teacher: Is it art?
... Honestly, no. It's not art in the traditional sense. It's art because it's creative and out there and pushes borders. It's only art because it hasn't been done before and now that someone has done it and declared it to be art, it is no longer. It's a one-time only thing and special because of it.

So there's my anger and frustration.
I feel beaten to the punch. Before I heard of Duchamp, I also considered just putting my name on a piece of junk and calling it art.
My test score of a perfect zero is art because nobody can be this stupid! And I signed and dated it already! Woot!

Oh wait, there's also Modernist writing. Dear God, no. Gertrude Stein and that portrait of Picasso she wrote? Wow...
Wow. Cubist writing is so...--


Modernism in my terms:
A bunch of rejects who got together and changed public opinion through peer pressure and mass production.
I don't mean that in a bad way. I think the unity is cool. Everybody knew everybody and was helping everybody out. I mean, I'm always thinking that if the students just worked together, nobody has to do anything in class because what's one aging adult to 30-ish young adults naturally pumped with hormones?
So let me rephrase that: A bold group of revolutionaries who joined forces to redefine art, music, writing, and culture in general through their own means of expression.
In truly modern terms, it's like a team of Lady Gaga's.

I wrote a haiku:
Tell me the truth now,
Did you eat the last cookie?
You corpulent pig!
I didn't do it wrong--it's Modernist!

Modernism is cool and all, but it's not anything to get completely excited over.
Like my English teacher does. She positively gushes.

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