Monday, July 12, 2010


Ants are to hate as...
Okay no, let's do it the other way around.
Creationism is to true as ants are to love.
Sorry Creationists, your ideas are way too absurd.

I hate killing ants.
It weighs on my conscience.
No it doesn't.
There's just so many! Kill one, kill them all. But how long will that take??
Ant spray TO THE SOURCE but there's still a lot of ants just roaming around now with no home to go back to. And there are those surfaces you just can't spray/get wet like fabrics and electronics.
I stick to just flicking them away until I accidentally step on some but these ants have very good traction! And they never go far in the first place...!! FRUSTRATION!

I thought I dealt with the ant problem already, but thanks to whatever the hell liquid my brother poured into my computer fan yesterday, the ants are back!! And after the water(?)...?
I know they go after water but... it's not like--okay, well, they don't have faucets, duh.
But still! That's a lot of ants for a little water!
But I change the turtles' water a lot. And I pour that right outside my room. And it's like 5 gallons each time.
Dirty water, but still water nonetheless. Beggars aren't choosers, right? Or however that saying goes. Go theerrreee...

The worst part is when I accidentally crush them while trying to flick them away. Eww, bug guts.

1 comment:

magu said...

We (kinda) have an ants problem too.
This sounds counter-intuitive, but we use a hose to spray water on the walls of the house (where the ants are). That way they won't come inside the house in search of water.
It works too. I haven't seen them at all since we last sprayed with the water.