Saturday, May 8, 2010

A moment of silence, please.

When you sleep, you forget everything that your brain deems useless.
Therefore, it's natural that I forget a lot of things.
Things like what issues such as poverty and diseases have to do with me.

Today, my step-mom's eldest sister committed suicide. I've never met her, but I still stared at my dad with my mouth open for quite a while after he told me.
Things I know about my step-mom: she's young, she's nice, she has a whole lot of siblings. She's also very strong and tonight at dinner, she didn't let her grief show. I really admire her.

Family... you just can't hate them. Why is it? Sometimes, I feel like I just have to love my family no matter what. I probably just interpret love differently, but my theory is that it's cowardice. You can't hate your family because at the end of the day, it's them you're going to have to face. Why bother to upset them and make them uncomfortable with you when you can not? It's a big compromise but in the end, it's a very nice relationship.
So when someone just commits suicide like that... it must hurt.

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