Friday, May 28, 2010

Too Tempting.

So you know formspring, right? Yeah, you know formspring!
Formspring is... a website where you can anonymously ask people questions. That also means you can send nasty hate mail, but there's this fantastic SPAM feature they have... nah, I'm not popular enough to get hate messages yet. Ever.

So somebody asked me the most epic question and I felt... hmm. It would be wrong to cram my entire answer into a format meant for short, simple answers. But I just have GOT to answer it! And I think my answer is interesting. Feel free to debate this topic.

Question: Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?
Ahem. Well first of all, they would never meet seeing as ninjas live in forests and mountains and pirates sail. In the sea. Yeah. They'd never encounter one another. And even if they were to, aren't ninja assassins? Doesn't that mean pitting a trained professional against a self-taught rogue? Kind of unfair, isn't it?
Okay. My answer is the pirate. Because his sword is longer. In the end, when the ninja's all out of throwing stars and knives and whatever else he keeps in his utility thigh-pack, he'll have a little short sword left and that's no match for Mr. Pirate's big nasty scimitar! And besides. Most of a pirate isn't even flesh. I mean, a hook and a peg leg? And he's got that parrot as a meat-shield! Wow. Untouchable, much!
Pirates win. :)
I get the feeling I was supposed to say ninja, but who's to say that self-study cannot be better than professional tutelage?

Oh. It's another internet meme. I didn't know that.

Pirates still win.

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